
1.     Paying for an annually increasing premium for covers you need long term. It is very important that you can afford your covers through the years when you need it the most and are not forced into cancelling early. Level premiums that don’t go up with age are available.

2.     Insuring the last and least likely event to occur before the age of 65 (death), but neglecting to cover the traumatic events that are far more likely to impact your lifestyle.

3.     Neglecting to insure your most valuable asset – your ability to earn an income.

4.     Paying more than you need to for your health insurance. Competitive options are now available that provide affordable protection against the medical costs that really matter – specialist’s fees, surgery and hospital expenses.

5.     Not structuring the ownership of your covers correctly. This can lead to a drawn out probate process, leaving the intended beneficiary waiting for the money they need.

6.     Not reviewing your insurance policies on a regular basis to ensure that they are still relevant and value for money. You can have a no obligation, independent review of your existing insurance free of charge.

7.     Trying to do it yourself, rather than tapping into the expertise and experience of a qualified, independent advisor who can identify the best options to suit your needs.

8.     An adviser stands in for you at claim time and knows the contracts. A good adviser is the most important part of your plan.