
I hope this email finds you in good financial shape and with an appetite for some financial wisdom served with a side of humour.

Today, we're going to tackle a topic that's as important as knowing the difference between a kiwi bird and a kiwifruit. Yes, you guessed it—investment diversification!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Investment diversification? That sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry on a white wall." But fear not! I promise to make this journey through the land of diversification as entertaining as an All Blacks haka dance.

Let's start with the basics. KiwiSaver is like a Kiwi's best friend, always looking out for us and helping us save for retirement. But here's the thing: just like eating only pineapple lumps can lead to serious sugar cravings, relying solely on one investment option can leave you feeling a bit deflated.

Imagine your KiwiSaver as a basket filled with delicious treats. Now, if you only have one type of treat in that basket, like chocolate fish, you're putting all your hopes for retirement on a single sweet treat. What if it melts in the sun? What if your neighbour's dog snatches it? Disaster! That's why we need diversification—to spread our investment eggs across different baskets.

But wait, before you start filling your basket with an assortment of odd items like jandals, pavlova, and sheep, let me guide you through the art of achieving diversification in your KiwiSaver. Here are some tips to ensure your financial future is as solid as a DIY pavlova in the hands of a master baker:

  1. Mix it up like a Pavlova Party: Just like a good pavlova needs the right combination of egg whites, sugar, and a dash of lemon juice, your KiwiSaver portfolio needs a mix of different investment types. Think of it as creating the perfect balance between conservative and aggressive options. Bonds, shares, cash and commodities - they're all invited to the pavlova party!

  2. Don't put all your money in Hobbit Holes: While we Kiwis love our Hobbiton, investing all your funds in a single asset class is riskier than wearing a sheep costume to a rugby match. Remember the old saying, "Don't keep all your money in one Hobbit hole." Okay, maybe I just made that up, but you get the idea.

  3. Embrace the All Blacks' Team Spirit: The All Blacks are renowned for their teamwork, and your investment strategy should follow suit. Look for a KiwiSaver fund that spreads its investments across different companies, industries, and even countries. Just like the All Blacks draw strength from their diverse team, your investments can benefit from a similar approach.

  4. Keep an Eye on the KiwiSaver Menu: Just like you'd check out the menu before ordering at your favourite fish and chip shop, make sure you review your KiwiSaver provider's investment options. Check if they offer a range of funds that suit your risk appetite and goals. Think of it as finding the perfect combination of fish, chips, and the right amount of tomato sauce.

  5. Time Travel with Dollar-Cost Averaging: If you have superpowers like Doctor Strange and can predict the future movements of the markets, please let me know! For the rest of us mere mortals, the technique of dollar-cost averaging can be a lifesaver. Invest a fixed amount regularly, regardless of market ups and downs, to average out your returns over time. It's like time travelling without the cool cloak.

  6. Resist the Urge to Chase Unicorns: We all know that one person who's always chasing the latest trend, whether it's unicorn onesies or the latest investment fad. But when it comes to your KiwiSaver, avoid the temptation to chase after the mythical "unicorn investments" that promise sky-high returns with no risk. Remember, unicorns only exist in fairy tales, not in the financial world.

  7. Keep Calm and HODL: In the crypto world, "HODL" stands for "Hold On for Dear Life." While we're not suggesting you invest all your KiwiSaver funds in Bitcoin, the principle of holding on to your investments through market fluctuations applies. Don't panic and sell everything when the market takes a dip. Stay calm and trust in the long-term growth of your diversified portfolio.

  8. Learn from Rugby Legends: As proud Kiwis, we can draw inspiration from our rugby legends on and off the field. Just as Richie McCaw knows the importance of teamwork, discipline, and resilience, apply those lessons to your investment strategy. Stay disciplined, keep learning, and adapt to changing circumstances like a true rugby champ.

  9. Seek Professional Advice: If you find yourself swimming in investment jargon and feeling as confused as a sheep trying to navigate a maze, don't hesitate to seek professional advice. A qualified financial advisor can guide you through the intricacies of investment diversification and help you make informed decisions.

So, my fellow KiwiSaver aficionado, remember that investment diversification is not only important but can also be as fun and quirky as a flightless bird doing the haka. Spread your investments, mix up your asset classes, and embrace the wisdom of our rugby legends.

Together, let's build a solid financial future that's as delightful as a perfectly baked pavlova. Because when it comes to our KiwiSaver, putting all our eggs in one basket is strictly for omelette lovers.

Stay diversified, stay quirky, and keep saving like the true Kiwis we are!


Chris George

P.S. Just a reminder: This email blog is intended for entertainment purposes only. Always do your own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. And please, resist the urge to wear a sheep costume to a rugby match. Trust me, it's not a good idea.